AQ Mobi & AQ Epic

AQ MOBI & biosensor.

A fully mobile disease screening solution made to fit the needs of developing economies.

AQ MOBI can be used to analyze saliva-based samples and diseases that are visible in saliva. These diseases include for example malaria and oral cancer. The platform’s screening technology is based on Aqsens Health's biosensor's ability to recognize disease biomarkers in a saliva sample, and the app's ability to measure color intensity in the samples and classify them according to their color.


AQ EPIC is an analysis tool to be used in epidemic control and management in developing economies.

AQ EPIC works seamlessly together with the AQ MOBI disease screening platform. The tool collects data from screening test performed with AQ MOBI. It compiles them on to a map based presentation and users can easily see the most affected areas, either on an accurate heat map, or in clusters regionally. Other metadata can also be integrated into the map to look for patterns, for example, between epidemics and environmental factors.