Aqsens Health and Tartu University teaming up to research the capabilities of different phages as biosensors in diagnostics
The Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine at University of Tartu.
Aqsens Health, a pioneering company in the field of biosensors, is at the forefront of utilizing phages to detect and classify various types of cancers in non-invasive samples. Leveraging its groundbreaking E-TRF technology and biosensor advancements, the company has successfully identified malaria in saliva and detected and classified prostate cancer in urine samples. Building on these achievements, Aqsens Health is pleased to announce its collaboration with Professor Tambet Teesalu's esteemed research group at the Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine, University of Tartu in Estonia. Together, they will delve into extensive research to explore the capabilities of different phages as biosensors.
We live in a world full of phages
Phages are one of the most abundant biological agents in the world. They are present everywhere: in soil, sea, in wastewater, and on our bodies. Some estimate that the number of phage particles on Earth is 1031 – a “nonillion”, which roughly translates to around a trillion phages for every grain of sand in the world.
Phages have a crucial role in nature, for example in regulating the world’s bacterial populations. Studies estimate that they kill anywhere between 15–40% of the bacteria in our oceans every day. Each different type of phage has specific bacteria that they usually infect, which is a well-known mechanism already widely used in phage therapies. But using phages in diagnostics with a directed in-vitro selection process is a completely new and novel approach, in which Aqsens Health is a clear forerunner.
What are the differences between different types of phages?
In nature there are almost an endless number of different types of phages, but only a handful have been studied in detail. This includes both the M13 phage that we have used with our E-TRF method and also the T7 phage that we will study in collaboration with Professor Tambet Teesalu’s research group.
So, how are phage types different? Well, first of all they look different. The structure and size of phages is extremely varied. For example, the M13 phage is a stick-like figure, while the T7 phage looks more like the first pictures that appear when you search for images of a phage on the internet.
If we go a bit more in depth, different phages’ varying structure also influences their other properties. The M13’s binding unit has single-stranded DNA that is encapsulated in different coat proteins. The T7 on the other hand has double-stranded DNA within its capsid that is a completely symmetrical icosahedral (imagine a twenty-sided die) structure. So in practice, the two phages have quite different binding capabilities because of their different structures.
Why are we looking into the possibility of adding new phages to our biosensor library?
The number of different phage types and the variation between the same phage type is almost endless, which is why it would be quite unlikely that we have already found the best combination for our E-TRF method. By incorporating different phage types as biosensors alongside the dye and E-TRF technology, we can significantly broaden the range of detectable information from biological samples.
The potential number of distinct phage binders is extremely vast, offering multiple binding options for well-defined screening targets. The availability of phages with different geometries, sizes, and substructures opens up a multitude of possibilities for harnessing the full potential of phage in-vitro evolution.
What do we want to achieve with this phage research collaboration with Tartu University?
By studying the properties of T7 phage within the E-TRF method we want to deepen our understanding of the interactions between the phage, the dye, and disease biomarkers, while also looking into the capabilities of the other phages. This investigation will allow us to fine-tune the phage screening parameters within a controlled test environment, enabling us to comprehend reaction rates, optical features, and numerous other critical parameters in this unexplored area of research.
“This all will provide a firm foundation for our large ongoing clinical trials and commercialization of the E-TRF method. It also solidifies our understanding of how different biosensors work and gives a good starting point for further development of phages as biosensors in diagnostics and therapy”, says Aqsens Health's Chief Scientific Officer Janne Kulpakko.
Collaboration with the world class phage expertise from Professor Tambet Teesalu’s group
This exploration of phages’ abilities in disease detection will be done in close collaboration with the Laboratory of Precision and Nanomedicine led by Professor Tambet Teesalu at University of Tartu in Estonia.
Professor Teesalu’s group focuses on the development of novel diagnostic tests and therapeutics for the early detection and precision treatment of solid tumors like glioblastoma and breast or prostate carcinoma. Their research utilizes in vivo peptide phage displays to identify specific peptides for targeted treatments and identifying malignant changes within the body.
The group’s research has many connections with our research at Aqsens Health, which is why their contribution and help in studying the capabilities of the T7 phage is a great opportunity.
You can learn more about Professor Teesalu’s research group here:
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